Swap any broken zirconia crown from any lab with BruxZir® Zirconia — for free. With Glidewell’s Zirconia Replacement Program, you’re covered if you ever have a zirconia crown emergency. There’s no opt-in or purchase necessary, simply call our customer service team at 800-854-7256 and we’ll replace your broken zirconia crown with a completely free BruxZir restoration.
Jacob Haslam, DDS
Tessa Miller, DDS
& Ankur Gandhi, DDS
Adaira Collins, DDS
†From a study published by an independent, nonprofit, dental education and product testing foundation, the Gordon J. Christensen
Clinicians Report®, September 2020. Study results apply to BruxZir 2009 3Y zirconia. For the full report visit: glidewell.com/bruxzir-10-year.
*3-day in-lab working time is for model-free restorations submitted via digital impression.