Dentists are increasingly turning to screw-retained crowns as they look to avoid cement problems around implants and streamline the delivery of implant restorations. Created with dental CAD/CAM technology to ensure a precise fit, quick seating and a lifelike emergence profile, BruxZir screw-retained crowns are an efficient solution that minimize chair time for the final delivery appointment.
At 1,150 MPa, BruxZir Full-Strength affords maximum strength for screw-retained restorations in the posterior. In the anterior, prescribe BruxZir Esthetic for an optimized combination of strength and translucency. By working with you from the planning stage to the final restoration, we are dedicated to helping you achieve precise gingival margins, a comfortable fit and optimum esthetics for your patients. Deliver BruxZir screw-retained crowns with maximum ease as well as the confidence afforded by our lifetime warranty.
*Price does not include shipping or applicable taxes.